Browse our collection of traditional style tattoos featuring bird subjects.
Two crows amidst flowers
blackwork, traditional, linework, crow, flower, bird, arm, medium
Owl with moon and leaves
neo-traditional, neotrad, traditional, owl, bird, flower, leaf, arm
Elegant Japanese-style sleeve tattoo
japanese, oriental, colour, traditional, geisha, flower, bird, upper arm, sleeve, full-sleeve
Moths and bird with flowers
traditional, color, realism, moth, bird, flower, chest, medium
Puffin on a rock
traditional, bird, puffin, shoulder
Cedar waxwing tattoo on arm
traditional, tradtattoo, bird, cedar waxwing, arm
Cuban trogon bird tattoo
traditional, neo-traditional, bird, trogon, forearm
Cool Traditional Bird Tattoo
traditional, bird, arm
Heron tattoo on arm.
traditional, blackwork, illustrative, heron, bird, arm
Eastern towhee tattoo on chest
ornamental, color, traditional, eastern towhee, bird, chest, medium
Black Bird with Flowers Tattoo
traditional, bird, flower, arm, medium
Colorful Bird Tattoo
traditional, colorful, bird, arm, medium
Colorful Snake and Bird Tattoo
traditional, snake, bird, stomach, medium
Colorful Flower and Bird Tattoo
traditional, bird, flower, arm, hand, medium
Couple of swallows tattoo
traditional, swallow, bird, chest, shoulder