By Alexstarktattoo at the_tattooed_arms
Lincoln, GB
Japanese sleeves of Orochi and Okami
by Alexstarktattoo at the_tattooed_arms
Freehand lotus chest piece
Chrysanthemum sleeve tattoo
Realistic robin on hand
Watercolor dragon with florals
by Siriantattoo at Siriantattoo's Studio
Father and son dragon tattoo
by sashatattooist at sashatattooist's Studio
Colorful dragon tattoo design
by Matt Heinz at Matt Heinz's Studio
Colorful dragon and flower tattoo
by Kali Klassic at Kali Klassic's Studio
Healed tiger half sleeve tattoo
by Conquest Okc at Conquest OKC
Colorful tiger head tattoo
by Cody at Mass Creation Tattoo